api.senpy.club ============== This API is on commit https://github.com/senpy-club/api-worker/tree/76dac02e7f970fd4071bac798878ef8865405afc. Routes ------ If a language requires a parameter, it will be notated like ":this". For example; if a route is notated as "/v2/route/:parameter", you can access that route via the URL "https://api.senpy.club/v2/route/parameter-value". - / - /: Index page, a mirror of /v2 (you are here) - /v2 - /github: GitHub API mirror for the https://github.com/cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books repository - /languages: A list of all languages that appear in the https://github.com/cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books repository - /language/:language: A list of all images that are labeled under the language, ":language", in the https://github.com/cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books repository - /random: A random image from the https://github.com/cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books repository - /me: For future implementation. At the moment; only contains the caller's IP. - /v2/boys - /github: GitHub API mirror for the https://github.com/flyingcakes85/Anime-Boys-Holding-Programming-Books repository - /languages: A list of all languages that appear in the https://github.com/flyingcakes85/Anime-Boys-Holding-Programming-Books repository - /language/:language: A list of all images that are labeled under the language, ":language", in the https://github.com/flyingcakes85/Anime-Boys-Holding-Programming-Books repository - /random: A random image from the https://github.com/flyingcakes85/Anime-Boys-Holding-Programming-Books repository Notes ----- Contributing ^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you'd like to support the project in any way, check out the repository: https://github.com/senpy-club/api-worker Supporting ^^^^^^^^^^ If you would like to support my development ventures, visit my GitHub profile: https://github.com/Fuwn License ^^^^^^^ `GNU General Public License v3.0 <https://github.com/senpy-club/api-worker/blob/main/LICENSE>`_